Wednesday, March 26, 2014

SPRING BREAK! Hill Country Christian School, Austin, Tx

What happens when 43 high school students and chaperones descend upon the little town of Montellano?  Greatness!  We were so blessed again by Robin Inks and the folks from Hill Country Christian School of Austin.  For the past several years, they have been giving up their Spring Break to come and serve with us at Makarios.

The group split into several different teams during the week- we had some teaching ESL at school, some helping build a maintenance shed at our ministry house, some playing with kids during recess, some helping in the library and art classes, some conducting Vacation Bible School activities at our house for
neighborhood kids, and some helping at the school in whatever way possible.  The connection that this group makes with the kids and staff at Makarios is unique because they have been coming for many years and have built relationships over that time. 

Outside of school/work duties, the group made time to take some of the kids to the beach for a treat, had some intense baseball, basketball and soccer games in the villages, and even took a dip in a “pond” near the village of Chichigua.

The group praying before breaking ground on the shed

Many thanks to Robin and all the folks at HCCSA for blessing us with their gifts and servants’ hearts!  We love you and look forward to seeing you next year!

Thank you for joining us in the journey.

Love from the DR,

The Becks

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